Social Responsability

Nossas ações de responsabilidade social

HLL & Pieri Advogados deals with issues that transcend its institutional and professional activities. It acts on behalf of society through entities with which it contributes, either financially, through donations, or with the direct participation of many of its members.

The Office supports GA – Grupo de Ajuda, an entity that helps needy families and people living on the streets of Belo Horizonte. HLL & Pieri Advogados participates by offering its legal support to the institution. It supports its initiatives financially and participates directly in the tasks promoted by the entity, notably on Monday nights, when food and clothing are distributed to the needy who live on the streets of the Capital.

HLL & Pieri Advogados also supports the Spiritist Fraternity Vinha de Luz and its activities, providing assistance to the residents of Colônia Santa Izabel, in Betim – MG, and the elderly of Lar São Vicente de Paula, in Sabará – MG, either with financial donations or with the direct involvement of the partners and members of HLL & Pieri Advogados in the bimonthly caravans organized by the institution to these locations.